- Lecture 1: Four Special Matrices
- Recitation 1: Key Ideas of Linear Algebra
- Lecture 2: Differential Eqns and Difference Eqns
- Lecture 3: Solving a Linear System
- Lecture 4: Delta Function Day
- Recitation 2
- Lecture 5: Eigenvalues (Part 1)
- Lecture 6: Eigen Values (part 2) and Positive Definite (part 1)
- Lecture 7: Positive Definite Day
- Lecture 8: Springs and Masses
- Recitation 3
- Lecture 9: Oscillation
- Recitation 4
- Lecture 10: Finite Differences in Time
- Lecture 11: Least Squares (part 2)
- Lecture 12: Graphs and Networks
- Recitation 5
- Lecture 13: Kirchhoff’s Current Law
- Lecture 14: Exam Review
- Recitation 6
- Lecture 15: Trusses and A^(T)CA
- Lecture 16: Trusses (part 2)
- Lecture 17: Finite Elements in 1D (part 1)
- Recitation 7