Cleaning Tip for Wood Floor

Okay, all you wood floor owners, listen up! There are so many tips that you have been given over the years to help you maintain those beautiful wood floors. You’ve probably heard all them out there. Whether it was from a friend, or a professional, or maybe something good ole’ mom told you, or even a hint you found on the Internet, you have certainly heard many pearls of wisdom. Whichever, who do you listen to? And what is the best tip in maintaining a beautiful wood floor.

So just what is the best cleaning tip for wood floors? Is it the fact that you should never use water on your wood floors, or never allow water products or liquids to sit for any amount of time on your wood floors as water is the wood floor’s worst enemy?

Or could it be that you should use carpet rugs in high traffic areas to maintain that wonderful hardwood look. Or maybe it’s never to wear high heals on your wood floors as they can easily dent the floor? Then again, maybe it’s you should never drag furniture across a wood floor. And then again it could be that you should use protective covers under all furniture.

There are so many possibilities, and so many solutions. Who should you listen to? Should you listen to all of them or only select a few? Or should you direct all your unanswered questions to only the professionals? What and where are the best tips for wood floor cleaning out there?

Could the best tip be that you should sweep or dust mop your wood floors on a daily basis to keep debris such as pet hair, dirt, lint or dust off of your floors? Or is it that dirt, grit and sand act like sandpaper on your wood floors? Or maybe it’s the tip that using a wood floor cleaning product made specifically for your wood floors is the best tip in maintaining beautiful wood floors?

Who should you listen to, and what tips should you pay attention to? The best tip for cleaning wood floors that I can give is: listen to the tips from other wood floor owners who have beautiful, natural wood floors in the best shape. These are the people you should pay attention to. Whether it’s your mom, brother, cousin, best friend; listen to the person who has beautiful wood floors. They are the people who know how to maintain a beautiful wood floor and they have the best tips by-far. Why? Because they’ve already tested all the tips out there, and made all the mistakes for you.

So when you need to maintain a beautiful wood floor, go to the person who has those beautiful maintained wood floors in their homes and listen to all of their tips! Whether they are professionals or your favorite aunt, listen to the wood floor owner who has many years of caring for a beautiful well maintained wood floor.

Author Vincent Platania represents the Fuller Brush Company. Fuller Brush has been in business since 1906, and offers safe, environmentally friendly products for keeping your home and your body clean. Visit

Vincent Platania
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