Protect Your Carpeting From Dents

I’m sure it sounds weird. Denting your carpet. How do you dent a soft textile material like carpeting. Well it can be done. Learn how it happens and how to prevent it in this article.

The backing of the carpet is much more rigid than the plush surface that we walk on. This layer of latex can be easily dented by heavy furniture that lays on it for a long period of time. Furniture such as pianos, wardrobes and large entertainment centers can leave permanent dents in your carpet. Over time these dents may improve if you move the furniture but they will likely never come out all of the way. So how do you prevent these dents.

The easiest way to prevent dents in your carpet is to place your heavy furniture on pads. The pads will distribute the weight over a larger area and will prevent it from crushing and denting your carpet. Another benefit of using furniture pads is that you can purchase slider pads. Furniture sliders work the same way as pads but have a smooth surface on the bottom. This allow it to be moved easily. With sliders in place even a small child can move a 200 pound entertainment center. This makes it convenient to move your furniture around for cleaning or just to rearrange it from time to time.

If you would like to protect your carpet from damaging dents you can purchase sliders and furniture pads at almost all home improvement stores. If you can not find them locally you should be able to find them online. Just Google the term “furniture pads”.

James C
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