Why Do Spots Keep Coming Back In My Carpeting?

Do you have one of those spots on your carpet that just won’t go away? You clean it again and again and in a day or two it just comes right back. Would you like to know what is causing it and how to treat it? I’m sure you would so read on and find out what is behind that mystery spot.

The reason that a spot comes back is because of residue. Some kind of residue is on your carpet causing soil to be attracted to and stick to the carpet. It might be caused by that can of Sprite that you spilt a few months ago or the soap from that carpet spotter that you used. There are various kinds of residue that could be on your carpet. They all do the same thing though. They slowly attract and hold soil. Because they do it gradually you don’t notice it until it gets bad.

So how do you get rid of it? What you need to do is clean the spot thoroughly with a good carpet spotter. Make sure that you use a spotter that says it is safe for stain resistant carpeting. After you clean the spot rinse it out with plain water. If you have a home carpet cleaner use it to flush out as much of the cleaner as possible with plain water. If you do not have a carpet cleaner use a sponge soaked in plain water to try to rinse out the spot. Try to extract as much water as possible with a dry towel. Now place a fan on the carpet to try to get it dry as soon as possible.

If this fails to do the trick you should call a professional carpet cleaner in to clean your carpeting. They will have the power to take care of severe residue problems.

James C
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